On May 4, 2010 at 7:00am on the dot I felt the "gush" that every pregnant woman fears the most, my water breaking. Some may think well big deal, but being not even 33 weeks pregnant it was a very big deal. Luckily I had gotten the steroid shots for lung development 2 weeks earlier. I woke up my husband Dan in a panic then began making phone calls. First to my OB who was at the hospital that day, then to find Alexis a sitter to watch her. Bags had been packed for weeks so all we had to do was toss them in the car. I think we got to the hospital around 8:30am, got settled into a room, and was checked right away. By that point I was 100% effaced and 4cm dilated. My OB was thinking about transferring me to a hospital in Cleveland with a NICU since the hospital I was at was not equipped to deliver a baby that was going to be 7 weeks early. With my history of fast labor with my first he decided to keep me in Sandusky fearing I would move to fast and possibly deliver on the ride to Cleveland. We thought Zac's birthday was going to be May 4th but Zac had another day in mind.
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