Saturday, September 17, 2011

October The Month From Hell!! 5 Months Old

On October 4, 2010 I took Zac to the Dr. because I noticed his head control was getting worse, his eyes were "twitching", and he was no longer rolling over from tummy to back. His "reflux" was worse than ever and was becoming more and more fussy every day that passed. I was told that Zac could possibly have CP and that I needed to get him to a GI Dr. right away to get an upper GI done because of the "reflux" getting worse. I went home and got the upper GI scheduled for that Saturday at 9:00am.

On October 8th I just had a feeling something was really wrong with Zac I had noticed that his eyes were rolling and shaking around so I called the Dr. office and was told that if I am so worried about Zac to take him to Rainbow Babies ER in Cleveland. I was able to get my mom to watch Alexis and had Dan meet me in Cleveland when he got off work. I sat in the ER waiting room for almost 4 hours before finally being seen by a Dr. I was trying to explain to the Dr. everything that was going on with Zac but everything that Dan and I were trying to tell her were falling on deaf ears. We told her to please look at how Zac's eyes were "twitching" around and she said "Well hes still tracking objects so he can see" At one point Dan asked if this could possibly be a brain tumor and could we get a CT scan. The ER Dr. felt his soft spot and said "well I can't feel a brain tumor so that's not it". Again we were told there is no way that we could be seen by a neurologist on a Friday. We were told to switch his formula again and up his reflux meds and we were sent home.

I took Zac to get his upper GI done that Saturday and got the results a few days later. Zac did not have reflux the upper GI came back normal. By this point we were at a loss as of what to do. We just took everything day by day. Zac would have episodes of screaming and crying for almost an hour at a time. We would try to feed him and he would gag and puke up 6oz bottles all at once. At times all he would do is sleep sometimes almost 20 hours straight sometimes only 10 minutes at a time. I was a zombie at at my whits end. I was not sleeping because I was up for hours at a time with Zac trying to keep him quiet so Dan and Alexis could sleep.

One Saturday morning around 3am Zac was screaming at the top of his lungs and had everyone in the house awake so I decided to take him to our local ER for some help. I told the ER Dr. everything that was going on so he decided to do some blood work and a chest xray to rule out phenomena. Everything came back normal. They had sent down the on call pediatric specialist to check out Zac too. She also noticed his twitching eyes and again I asked to get a CT scan and was told that they were not able to do a CT scan on baby his age at that hospital. She said the vomiting and fussiness was most likely his "reflux" acting up and was told to put lots of cereal in his formula to help with the spitting up. Again we were sent home with no answers.

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